Pay Transparency Directive: A Quick Guide



The EU Pay Transparency Directive is promoting pay equity across European Union, aiming to ensure everyone gets equal pay for equal work. This new rule, coming in force in 2026, requires more openness about salaries and strives to eliminate gender pay gaps.

We’ve put together a quick-read article and a handy downloadable guide to help you understand what this means for your workplace.

Games Industry Context

Pay Transparency Directive is aiming to ensure everyone gets equal pay for equal work.

The most recent EU-wide statistic provided is that women earn 12.7% less per hour than men on average across the 27 EU member states as of 2021, with considerable variation between countries.

Given that women represent only 22.4% of the games industry’s workforce compared to men’s 71.4%, highlighting and addressing pay discrepancies is crucial. Promoting salary transparency could serve as an effective strategy to attract more women to the industry and ensure fair compensation across all demographics.

Get your copy of the Pay Transparency Directive handout

Key facts

Pay Transparency Directive (EU) 2023/970 serves as a comprehensive EU-wide initiative designed to enhance pay transparency and tackle the gender pay gap across all sectors. It mandates equal remuneration for equal work and work of equal value, irrespective of gender.

Employees can request information on the average pay levels broken down by gender for their job category or work of equal value.

Job applicants must be provided with the starting pay or pay range for a position before the interview.


Employers must report detailed gender pay gap metrics across worker categories


Get your copy of Pay Transparency Directive handout

Pay Transparency Directive – For Employers

Key details on which companies will be impacted by Directive (EU) 2023/970:

Reporting duty:

The reports must be submitted to the designated monitoring bodies established by each member state.

Components of the report: 

Should the reported data indicate a pay gap exceeding 5%, companies are required to conduct a comprehensive pay analysis in cooperation with employee representatives.

Geographic Scope:

Pay Transparency Directive – For Job Applicants

Salary Ranges Available:

Pay Transparency Directive – For Employees

Access to Information:

Enforcement and Protections:

Important Links on Pay Transparency Directive: