Is shifting from Mobile Games to the Hyper-Realistic Hardcore FPS game even possible? – Sure, Meet MADFINGER Games!
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8Bit: Hi guys, Great to have you here! Please tell us something about yourselves. Who are you, and what are you taking care of in the MADFINGER Games?
Silvie: Hello, my name is Silvie Tripes, and I am a Producer and Scrum Master in one. I have been working for MADFINGER Games for almost one year, and it is the best time of my life so far!
The biggest responsibility and the main mission is to serve the team in all possible ways. I plan the workflow from the bigger picture and share it through the roadmaps to the whole team, outline/schedule and track tasks in the smaller picture, and evaluate and discuss estimations. I also have to evaluate the scope and allocate people while getting rid of roadblocks and overseeing all elements of pre-production and also (very soon) production. In general, I make sure that the project is heading in the right direction.
Mira: Hey guys, Miroslav Ondrus here :-). I started working in the industry around twenty years ago as a programmer. I have experienced thousands of great moments during all this time while developing games.
In the MADFINGER Games family, my role is the Chief Technical Officer. Together with our wonderful tech leads, I am responsible for the technology used and produced by the company.
8Bit: What are you guys famous for? Is there anything you can share with the game developers’ community about what you are working on right now? Or about your future plans? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
MADFINGER Games: Recently, we publicly announced that the project we are currently developing will be released exclusively for the PC, which is a big step for us!
We have over ten years of experience creating award-winning AAA quality games for mobile platforms with over 300 million downloads, such as Dead Trigger 2, Unkilled, and Shadowgun Legends. Still, we have decided to move to the PC simply because early in the design process, we realized that the game is just too huge for mobile.
However, since the founders of MADFINGER Games all started their careers by working on such massive PC titles before establishing the company, we perceive this as a sort of return to their PC roots.
The plan is to release a hyper-realistic AAA FPS. We are dedicated to using our ten years of experience from the mobile world to create something fresh and focused on player experience and addictive gameplay.
8Bit: Are there any challenges you face during this Mobile games -> PC games transition process? How are you dealing with them?
MADFINGER Games: Of course, with the big change, we have to overcome a substantial challenge, especially in terms of switching technology. For example, utilizing the new Unreal Engine. Still, we have many advantages from our previous professional experience in the video game industry. Although it’s hard for us to leave Unity Engine after ten years, Unreal Engine 5 will allow us to achieve a quality that can compete with the best games on the AAA market.
8Bit: Why NOW it’s the best time to join MADFINGER Games?
MADFINGER Games: We see many reasons to join our team any time, but especially right now! Madfinger is a trendsetter. There is an inspirational story behind it.
We are in the best possible position we have ever been and we are very happy with our strategic partnership. We are working on our best and biggest project so far with a dedicated team with tons of experience, and we love to make games!
8Bit: Why is MADFINGER Games the perfect place to work in? Tell us something about your culture.
MADFINGER Games: When working at MADFINGER, you are practically a family member. So our focus is on both parts – the project and, of course, the team.
The environment here is super vibrant, fresh and with a real startup feel. You can always freely express yourself without fear of any internal politics, which we are very proud of.
Although we are having a great time and fun in the process, we are still delivering results, working hard, and sharing all our experiences back and forward within the team.
8Bit: What do you think about Remote work? Is it possible? For whom?
MADFINGER Games: Working remotely is possible, of course. Especially nowadays.
However, we do prefer when we can work together with the core team members at the office. You can achieve the best results while feeling the “heartbeat of the team”. We can assure you that you won’t regret it!
8Bit: So while you’re mentioning the “heartbeat of the team” You guys are located in Brno; Czech Republic. Tell our readers why is it cool to relocate to Brno?
MADFINGER Games: You may never have heard of our beautiful city, which is completely understandable, but rest assured that it has so much to offer.
Known also as “The Silicon Valley of Central Europe”, this second largest Czech city provides everything you could possibly ask for! Theatres, cinemas, concert halls, beautiful architecture, galleries, exhibitions, fairs, world-famous or local artists and much more! There’s almost zero chance that you will ever get bored, and the best part is that it’s also incredibly safe and multicultural, so nothing will stop you from enjoying everything it has to offer.
8Bit: What personal traits are you looking for in the candidates? What would make you click with a potential employee?
MADFINGER Games: It is always about the right combination of hard and soft skills, but we can definitively mention the following:
Passion for game development, dedication, proven experience, and a positive attitude.
8Bit: So let’s slide smoothly into the technical side of things, shall we? Please tell us what technologies you are using right now? Or are you planning to use in the future?
MADFINGER Games: Very briefly, it is the Unreal Engine. Unreal will allow us to reach a yet unprecedented scale and graphical fidelity needed for our next project.
8Bit: So if you’re so focused on achieving a certain level of quality (graphics), Is there any specific art aesthetic you’re aiming for right now?
MADFINGER Games: The main focus is absolute realism. Everything needs to be as close to its real-world counterpart as possible. This is a first for us, but we can’t wait to show everyone what we can do!
8Bit: Thanks a lot for your time! Is there anything else you would like to share with the game developers reading this article? 💪
MADFINGER Games: If you’d like to be a part of our biggest game yet, then why not check our current job openings?
We are hiring now, and maybe you’re exactly who we’re looking for!