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Blockchain Game Recruitment Case Study – Cryptopia & 8Bit

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Cryptopia is making waves with their unique blend of blockchain game tech. While this innovative approach to gaming is exciting, it brought its own hiring challenges. That’s where we, 8Bit, came in, offering a fresh take on recruitment.

What is Cryptopia?

Delving into the dynamic junction of gaming and cryptocurrency, Cryptopia wasn’t just another game studio, as they created a blockchain-driven open world. This novelty, while their strength, also made hiring intriguingly complex. Cryptopia needed experts who got gaming, blockchain and crypto. With limited internal HR resources and big growth plans, they struggled with long hiring times, trying to keep their company culture, and explaining their new model to potential hires.

Their online quest for solutions led Cryptopia to our doorstep. Their previous endeavors had been solo, but they felt the allure of expert intervention.

8Bit’s Recruitment Strategy: 

After our introductory discussion with Cryptopia, where we delved into their unique requirements and recruitment challenges, we recommended the subscription model. 

The subscription model is a cost-effective alternative to the more prevalent success fee model (typically 20%+ of a candidate’s gross annual remuneration). This approach seamlessly aligned with the blockchain game creator needs, offering constant candidate inflow. 

A notable perk of the subscription model is its flexibility, allowing us to pool diverse recruitment expertise as needed, ensuring every role, whether tech or non-tech, is handled by a specialist (this is in contrast to RPO, which often has a single dedicated person, potentially limiting the breadth of roles they can efficiently cover).

Interested in Subscription, but seeking a shorter commitment period?

With monthly KPIs defined collaboratively, Cryptopia was ensured extensive (160 hours/month) support from our technical and non-technical recruitment divisions, all under the attentive gaze of dedicated Account Managers – Patrycja and Hanna. 

Budget-wise, being a fixed-fee model, the subscription was ideal for the Cryptopia team, new to agency collaboration, ensuring clear costs upfront with no surprises. 

Value added: 

In addition to candidate sourcing, we brought strategic insights to Cryptopia’s internal hiring process. We advised the team on crafting a recruitment process that maintains a balance between in-depth candidate assessment and a positive applicant experience. We also facilitated smoother communication between Cryptopia and potential hires, ensuring consistent feedback loops. When faced with unexpected market trends, we were there to provide timely advice to adapt and stay competitive.


In the collaboration with Cryptopia, we centered our efforts on recruiting for 4 roles key for our client’s business:

  • Senior Unity Engineer
  • Business Development Manager
  • UI/UX Designer
  • QA Engineer

The collaboration bore fruit. An impressive 84% of our recommended candidates landed interviews with Cryptopia. Even challenging roles, like the Business Development Manager – demanding blockchain industry experience and native English proficiency – were promptly addressed. This particular role of BDM was filled in just 15 working days, outpacing industry averages. By leveraging our model, Cryptopia could secure talent for two pivotal roles faster and more economically than traditional methods, and is now vigorously steering ahead to conclude their two remaining projects.

Compared to the widespread success fee model, the subscription model has already resulted in a saving of 〜11,000 EUR for the first roles filled and will yield further savings as Cryptopia proceeds to fill the next vacancies.

Cryptopia’s Feedback:

Frank Bonnet, Cryptopia’s Founder and Lead Developer encapsulates our partnership: “Very capable, flexible, and hands-on, 8Bit consistently exceeded expectations. They elevated both the quality and efficiency of the whole process”. 

Reflecting on their experience, Cryptopia suggests companies eyeing precision in their recruitment endeavors, especially in specialized niches, should collaborate with experienced partners like 8Bit.

If gaming is your realm and you’re mulling over recruitment transformations, drop us a line. At 8Bit, we’re primed to assist!